Hammermen Awards

The Hammermen Awards were created to support 3rd Year students, studying Jewellery and Metal Design, to purchase materials for their final year projects. This year, Laura Cruikshank & Caitlin Davidson were the winners, seen here receiving their cheques from Hammerman Deacon David Inglis and Clerk/Collector, Raymond Edwards. …

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Cordiners Award

Deacon, Mike Hardie, presented the Cordiner craft award given to the student showing the best use of leather in their work. Congratulations to Ellé Laidlaw who produced some outstanding work that can be viewed using the following link: Ellé Laidlaw

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Dyer Craft Awards

Worthy Clerk, Wendy Maltman presented two prizes to final year students at Duncan of Jordanstone, studying Illustration. Beth Fuller and Giogas Asvestas were given the Dyers Award for ‘Best Use of Colour’. Both students produced stunning portfolios of work which are available to view using …

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Tailor Trade Student Awards

The Tailor Trade awarded their annual prizes to Textile Design graduates during the opening of the degree show. Deacon Stephen Brand awarded the prize of £300 to Sandra Junele (pictured) and two prizes of £225 to Joshua McCullough and Millie Cunningham. Stephen said,  “It was a difficult …

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York Cordwainers Charter

Deacon Convenor Murray attended the York Cordwainers Charter over the weekend 14th and 25th May. Iain said, the weekend kicked off with the London Livery arranging a most excellent dinner. It was a great chance to meet the hosts and other guests. There wasn’t a big …

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Eden Project Dundee

Eden Project Dundee will be a transformative project for the Scottish city, drawing on its rich history and playing an important role in the regeneration of the Dundee waterfront. The Project will draw on the history of the city’s Nine Incorporated Trades and is themed around …

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Kanzen Karate

Kanzen Karate work with children, adults and families to promote physical and mental wellbeing. They run programmes for children, teenagers, adults, families, those with disabilities and accessible programmes for those aged 50 years & above. A cheque for £1000 was presented to Roy O’Kane of …

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New Designers

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design Textile Design students participate in a major industry event, New Designers, in London at the end of their 4 years of study. This event has proven to be extremely beneficial to the students, resulting in interviews, internships, …

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Dundee Youth Music Theatre

Dundee Youth Music Theatre (DYMT) which is a social enterprise, ran an Arts for wellbeing Spring Camp (11 April -15 April 2022). Classes  catered for children and young people from 5-17 years of age. Through the creative and innovative outlet of dance, drama, yoga and …

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Justbee – Meadowside St Pauls

The Trustees of the Trades considered applications for funding at their March meeting and made grants to four organisations from the Trades and the Miller Trust funds. Justbee – Meadowside St Pauls provide lunches and activities for womens groups, mens groups and young people. The …

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