
Weave Truth With Trust

The Weaver Incorporation of Dundee (The Weaver Craft) or more commonly the Weavers, is a community organisation which can trace its origins back to 1512 when it received its charter from Dundee Town Council. It is one of the famous Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee.

As you may imagine an organisation which has existed for over 500 years has a rich history and its role in the community has changed over time. However, it continues to play an important and indeed expanding role in the local communities of Dundee, Angus and Perthshire with exciting educational programmes for example.

Currently, there are around 80 members in the Weaver Craft. Members enjoy a great deal of fun and fellowship, whilst taking pride in being part of an organisation which is simultaneously ancient and contemporary.

Biennial Dinner (2020) held in Weaver's Room, Verdant Works, Dundee

History of the Weavers

Originally, the Weavers regulated the textile trade in Dundee, firstly woollen and later flax (linen) cloth, the forerunner of the famous jute industry in the City. At a time when there was little in the way of trading standards, employment legislation, welfare, qualifications or indeed representation of the people, trade bodies (incorporations) like the

Weavers were a critical part of Dundee’s business scene. By coming together Master Weavers could control who had right to weave and sell cloth within the burgh and ensure that cloth was of a proper standard. Equally, they provided apprenticeships to ensure their skills and knowledge were passed on to the next generation.

By paying fees, fining wrong-doers and investing in property they provided revenue that was used to provide welfare to craftsmen who had fallen on hard times or importantly to the widows and children of weavers who had died. Lastly, they provided a powerful voice to large sections of the community at a time when the town council was not always representative or without self-interest.

The ancient rights and privileges of the Weavers were removed in 1833 at the dawn of the era of mass-mechanised production of textiles in the City. However, this was certainly not the end of the Weaver Incorporation of Dundee, for they have adapted over the years and are still an important component in the life of this vibrant city.

More about the history of the Weavers

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Supported by The Weavers

Each trade supports a number of charities and good causes. The good causes that the Weavers fund are:

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