Hammerman Degree Show awards

Deacon Convener of the Nine Trades, Ray Edwards and Deacon of the Hammerman Alastair McIntosh, attended the degree show at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art  on 30th May. Ray and Alastair spent time looking at the work on display mainly by the final year students, showcasing jewellery and other forms of visual art. Having watched a video presentation of the work done over the year, it is easy to see the enthusiasm of Lecturer Teena Ramsay and the staff  provide to the students.

 The Deacons were there to present awards to outstanding third year students. Ruth Calderwood and Ella Hamilton were the recipients of cheques for £250 each and certificates of excellence to mark the occasion. The financial award helps the students purchase tools required for the final year.

Ray and Alastair are looking forward to seeing the fruit of their and others labour next year.

. Footnote: One of last year’s winners  made a request for a Hammerman’s  lapel badge for posterity, which has been duly sent. These young people are obviously very selective!!!